Thursday, November 18, 2010


Life has seemed to fly by the past almost year. Whew. Where did the time go? I was reading over my last post about taking Christmas decorations down, and we actually just put our Christmas tree up this past weekend for the 2010 holidays. I guess it's safe to say I haven't blogged in a while.

We've been busy.

Busy with a new kindergartener. Well, he's not new, but the whole homework, tests, and project thing certainly is. And slightly overwhelming for mom. Ever wish you could just meet up with them at recess to quickly review their spelling words? Refresh their memory on that poem they need to have memorized and present in front of their class? I guess that's part of growing up, er, letting them grow up... sigh.

I'm about to head to urgent care, I have a sinus infection (and I think ear infection too), then I have to hop in the shower to go teach an Art Masterpiece lesson to my son's class today.


But I promise it won't be another year until I blog. Hopefully.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Today was a very productive day. I was able to check five out of eight things off my to-do list I needed to get done within the next few days.

Today I saw a lady in Target put hair product in her hair, then set it back on the shelf.

Today I realized how crazy Toys'R'Us return policy is (no receipt, no returning/exchanging of any kind).

Today I got to spend time with two of my favorite people, Carson and Conner. I have really enjoyed them being out of school the past week and the time I have been able to spend with them. I will truly be sad Monday when Conner goes back to school.

Today Conner made me laugh several times. He says the funniest things. I just love him so much.

Today was my aunt Becky's birthday and I made her a cheesecake (this is the only thing I know tastes good enough to make for other people)!

Today Conner asked me to babysit his transformers! He came over from watching his show a few times to tell me I wasn't holding it right.

Today I was sad we would have to take Christmas decorations soon. Partly because I love looking at it, mainly because of the work it will take to get it down!

Today I heard Conner repeat two words I say often that made me realize I have to choose my words more carefully. They listen to everything we say and watch what we do.

Today I am really happy (except for this darn headache).

Hopefully, today was a good day for you too. I guess it's time to start planning for tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

my view

This is what I am blessed to see each night after Conner has fallen asleep. I just love him so, so much.

I am so thankful for my view!


Conner is at the age where he is easily bored with toys, yet not quite ready to sit and play video games for hours so we have been playing simple card and board games lately.

Last night he asked to play Checkers. Scooby Doo Checkers he got from Nana for Christmas to be exact. I knew it would be interesting to say the least, but how could I say no?!

After setting up the board and pieces, and giving a general explanation, this is what could be heard...

"No, Conner, you can't just take my piece off the board every time it's your turn."

"Conner the pieces don't go in that color square. Ever. No, not this turn either."

"Babe, you can't jump my piece from all the way across the board."

"I understand you want your piece to go in that spot, but you'll have to wait until I move my piece that is already there. You can't just scoot mine off to the side."

And this went on and on and on.

Until finally, I realized if I ever wanted the game to be over, I would have to surrender. And by surrender, I mean line my pieces up right next to his and then encourage him to jump mine.

Once this was over, I praised him for winning and had the game packed up in about 2.5 seconds.

Next time we're sticking to Go Fish. Or Legos.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 2009

Tuesday night we headed to the airport in order to redeem the second part of the boys' Christmas present, a trip to Disneyland!!

We had so much fun! We went to Disney and California Adventure three days...

Here is Conner on Small World, oh my Lord, he loved this ride. I took him on this simply because it had no line and Carson was on Indiana Jones (this was one ride I wouldn't let him ride). Have you ever been on Small World? It is so boring! I was so relieved when he asked if we could ride again and the line was too long. Darn, but I was happy he was able to ride it once this trip (he has been on a few times before this trip too) since he enjoyed it so much!

Rode rides,

Traveled without strollers, but ended up renting one each day after my Dad and I alternated carrying Conner because he "couldn't walk one more step or his leg would fall off",

Spent time together,

Ate lots of food (some good, some well, not so good).

Walked alot,

(Carson ran most of the time in an attempt to keep up with us...this child walks sooo sllloooowwww!)

Waited in lines,

Watched Playhouse Disney Live,

Played in the play areas,

Saw celebrities,

(See the back of Marc Anthony? I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't get the back of J.Lo!! ;) I'm assuming the other lady was the nanny, she helped with the twins.)

(Sorry this was the best I could Dad was embarresed that I was taking pictures, Carson thought the bodyguard could arrest me, and people were starting to run up).

Fell asleep on shuttles,

and even visited the beach!

It was such a fun week! Although Conner was tall enough for all the rides and did ride most of them, there were some that I didn't let him ride because they were either too rough or too scary. We rode just about every ride at Disneyland and did ride every ride at California Adventure. Surprisingly, we all seemed to enjoy California Adventure better than Disney, the lines were shorter and the rides were more geared for the boys ages (4-9), so we spent alot of time here, riding lots and having a BLAST!

My Mom had been feeling sick so she wasn't feeling up to going and Nan ended up not being able to go, my Dad stepped in and us and the boys enjoyed spending time together! We all chose rides we were really excited about and made sure to hit those the first day and we were able to ride some two and three times, which was even more special to ride our favorites!

This was our third year to go to Disneyland at Christmas, I hope it becomes a tradition! What Christmas traditions do you and your family enjoy?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Church Christmas Program

Here is the link for Conner's class program at church today...aren't they adorable?!?

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

an early surprise

Yesterday my Mom and I took the boys to visit Santa and they were able to ask him for the things they wanted. Conner asked for a real life Zebra, Zhu Zhu Pets (if you are my friend on FB, you saw that mid-week he changed his mind completely about what he wanted...after I already had everything!!), so I was thankful he did want Zhu Zhu Pets after all, but after the zebra request, Santa looked over at Carson and said, this kid's a piece of work, isn't he?! Santa is one smart guy. I'm joking. Kinda.

After visiting Santa, we finished up some last minute (for our situation) shopping and we all headed to my house where we all spent the night together! Just hanging out and taking care of a sick boy (poor Carson had a fever all night).

When the boys woke up we told them that someone had been to the house and the living room had stuff in there that looked like what they asked for.

They came into the room where Santa had left all their stuff and were just so surprised that Christmas had come early this year!!! They spent the next hour or so just looking at the stuff and playing for a few minutes with each thing...

Conner has been dying to play with these drums we got Carson for weeks now.

Conner trying out his Smart Cycle Extreme from Nana and Papa and since this picture he has hardly been off of it! Great toy!

Papa sitting the boys down to explain why Christmas came early...

Because Wednesday morning, we are leaving for DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!

Conner's reaction was so precious! Carson stated that this was "the best Christmas EVER", but for some reason he wasn't on the couch by the time I took the picture.

And Conner sang "Go Tell It On the Mountain" for us!

A great time was had by all!! I will post when we get back~

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!